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What should I expect during my first session?

At the first meeting we will review your intake forms, discuss the areas you want to work on, and start to chart a path on your way forward. 

How long are the sessions?

Individual sessions will last about 60 minutes and couples sessions will last about 90 minutes. We work hard at starting on time and making the most of every minute. 

Does insurance cover life coaching?

No, unfortunately health insurance does not cover these costs. 

Is this the same as consulting or mentoring? 

No, we are not consultants or mentors. Consultants and mentors give advice and instruct clients on what to do. Coaches draw out the solutions and action plans from the client in a thought-provoking, creative manner to better solidify progress and solutions. A part of our calling is to also encourage and hold our clients accountable. 

Is this the same as counseling? 

No!! We may refer client to a licensed counselor under certain circumstances. Counselors deal with past and current problematic issues that are from the past and affect the now. Coaches deal with the now and the future. 

Why do coaches ask so many questions? 

We believe that the solutions and the way forward rest in each person and needs to be drawn out of the client. We believe that self-discovery is the greatest creator of lasting transformation. 

Do you coach in the area of relationships? 

Yes, we do coach people who are struggling in personal relationships. However, we do not coach a person who is not participating. We coach based on the "now and future," not the past. 

How many sessions will it take for me to find my way forward? 

It all depends on the issue we are working on and the progress you make. 

Is there homework? 

You will often have action items to address when you complete a session. Sometimes we may send you a resource to read and think about your next session.

I have some questions before I move forward.

We're here to answer any questions you have. You can contact us directly at 623-252-0482 via call or text. You can also fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we'll get in touch with you.

I'm ready to take the next steps! Now what?

Awesome! Let us know that you’re ready to move forward by filling out the form below or by contacting us directly at 623-252-0482 via call or text. We’ll take it from there!